Kitesurfing in Lagos, Alvor lagoon – Where to Kite – Where to park – Dangers – Schools and
independents area:
The Alvor lagoon is definitely a great place to enjoy all wind and water sports like kitesurfing or Wingfoiling and here is all what you need to know.
Every 6 hours, the tides go from a big desert of sand to a vast ocean of water, if you are coming with our Wingfoil / Kitesurf school in Lagos, with many years of experience on the field, there is nothing for you to worry about since we will take care of the best/safest times and places for you to be with the support of a rescue power boat for the high tide days, far away from any danger.
Note: All images are real images of the Alvor lagoon taken from our Algarve Kite Center and make it look smaller than what actually is.
Red zones marks oyster farms with dangers hidden under the water (wooden and Iron sticks), rocks & -> Private property <-.
Yellow arrows show the dominant wind direction of the summer season, Northwest.
Green numbers mark the starting points of the Kitesurfing Alvor lagoon.

Spot 1# The stones bridge (Image above) – Recommended for independent with own equipment but not advanced Kite in lagos that aren’t completely sure of their capacities. Not recommended for Wingfoil. “Location Link”
Pros- Safe location since you will normally have side shore winds and protected area downwind where you can always walk back.
Cons – You have to walk +500m with your gear, and there isn’t much water on completely low tide, and shallow on the mid tides.
Spot 2# Kitesurf School in Lagos (Image bellow) – Here you need to be having lessons or rentals with us at the kiteschool Lagos since the initial beach is offshore and there is a channel which doesn’t allow you to zigzag back upwind. For this reason, on high tide, we will be providing you with the luxury of a power boat, taking you to the safest and best location (sand dunes and shallow areas). ”
Pros – Close to the parking spot, no walking, not crowded and the best sand dunes/shallow waters.
Cons – You will need a boat to come back (Included in the Kite lessons in our Lagos Kiteschool)

Purple square is a No parking area for boat entrance(Image above).
Red area represents No riding area/danger/Private property.

Spot 3# Flamingos (Image bellow) – Recommended for independent & Experienced(only) Kite riders and all levels of wingfoilers(Beginners – Advanced). (having your own equipment).
Pros – No walking, straight to the water and no schools.
Cons – Side or Offshore winds from initial beach, still protected downwind from sand dunes.

Spot 4# From Alvor/Portimão side of the lagoon – Recommended for all levels of Kiters, not recommended for wingfoilers.(Having your own Kite equipment)
Pros – Onshore winds with long beach at the dominant winds (Northwest).
Cons – 20-25min walk each direction from parking to the beach and not much water on completely low tide.